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What Are People Thinking?

Letters to the Editor, Jan. 1, 2022

·         Jan 1, 2022


What are people thinking?

Trusting that all have been enjoying a wonderful holiday hiatus with family and friends. What a blessing it is to celebrate with our loved ones, especially the kids. Some folks had other more nefarious things on their minds though.

Christmas morning I got a text from my Yuma East Wetlands (YEW) manager, stating that some miscreants had broken into to the parking lot of the Colorado River State Historic Park (CRSHP). These individuals destroyed fencing, and then commenced to vandalizing and stripping the trucks that our crew uses to maintain the YEW, and drove off with the gator vehicle as well. Fortunately, we recovered the gator in Gateway Park, albeit not fully functional. The truck sports smashed windows, and is without batteries, just for starters.


Letters to the Editor, Jan. 1, 2022

·         Jan 1, 2022


What are people thinking?

Trusting that all have been enjoying a wonderful holiday hiatus with family and friends. What a blessing it is to celebrate with our loved ones, especially the kids. Some folks had other more nefarious things on their minds though.

Christmas morning I got a text from my Yuma East Wetlands (YEW) manager, stating that some miscreants had broken into to the parking lot of the Colorado River State Historic Park (CRSHP). These individuals destroyed fencing, and then commenced to vandalizing and stripping the trucks that our crew uses to maintain the YEW, and drove off with the gator vehicle as well. Fortunately, we recovered the gator in Gateway Park, albeit not fully functional. The truck sports smashed windows, and is without batteries, just for starters.


Not to mention the fact that the YEW and CRSHP managers, and other management staff had to spend some of their Christmas morning away from their families to deal with this foolishness. The shepherds certainly would have quaked at the sight, but for far different reasons.

What are people thinking? Unfortunately, this is not the first time we have reported such senseless behavior that negatively impacts Yuma Crossing National Heritage Area (YCNHA) locations which the community have come to value as low/no cost entertainment for you and your families. We have experienced graffiti marring of park benches and pathways. This too continues to be a costly and time-consuming issue for us.

Expensive enhanced security measures coming into place will certainly help. However, as a small nonprofit business, we need your support as well. If you see, or know anything about this rash of vandalism, please be sure to report it to us, and to law enforcement immediately. This is supposed to be the season of giving and renewal.

Look, I get it. Some people might need a little help, but not at the expense of others. There is never an excuse for wanton destruction and thievery.

To donate your time, talent and/or treasure, please visit our website or call 928-573-5198 to find out more about how you can help to protect and maintain your local YCNHA parks.


Lowell Perry

Executive Director, Yuma Crossing National Heritage Area