In The News
Yuma's Riverfront: Past, Present and Future
During the last five years, the Yuma riverfront has seen considerable progress, namely the lower bench of the West Wetlands, with more projects coming up for other parts of the riverfront, in particular the East Wetlands.
“If you haven’t been down there recently, it now has a complete trail system, riparian habitat restoration. It’s just a beautiful area and widely used by the community,” said Cathy Douglas, newly named executive director of the Yuma Crossing National Heritage Area.
The organization completed adobe restoration work in the Brinley Historic District and is working on developing a new nature park in the East Wetlands.
Tina Clark Awarded Keystone Award
On Wednesday evening this week, Tina Weller-Clark was awarded by the Arizona State Historic Preservation Office - SHPO and Foundation with the Keystone Award.
For Immediate Release: YCNHA Announces New Exec. Director
Shelley Mellon, Chair of the Yuma Crossing National Heritage Area, and Charles Flynn, Interim Director, have announced that Cathy Douglas has been selected as the new Director.
Arizona State Historic Preservation Foundation Keystone Award
Tina Clark, Longtime Yuma Historic Preservation and Community Advocate, to Receive 2022 Elisabeth Ruffner Keystone Award for Community Leadership
YUMA, AZ – The Arizona State Historic Preservation Office, Arizona Preservation Foundation, Yuma Crossing National Heritage Area, and City of Yuma have announced that Tina Clark of Yuma is the recipient of the 2022 Elisabeth Ruffner Keystone Award for Community Leadership. The award will be presented to Ms. Clark during the City Council meeting at Yuma City Hall on October 19, 2022 at 5:30 pm.
Be the Y in YUMA @ Arizona Western College
Bobby Alvarado, Professor of Welding at Arizona Western College, makes the “Y” in the new “UMA” sign unveiled Monday morning on the AWC main campus.
Perry retires as Heritage Area executive director
Lowell Perry retired as executive director of the Yuma Crossing National Heritage Area, effective July 14, to be closer to family.
Perry joined Yuma Crossing in 2018. He was responsible for the management and promotion of the Heritage Area, leading the shoring up of the organization’s internal structure, built a strong team in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic and brought about a resurgence of the Colorado River State Historic Park with the addition of the Yuma Crossing Discovery Center and an Italian bistro.
For Immediate Release: YCNHA Selected as a 2022 AARP Community Challenge Grantee
June 29, 2022
Alex Juarez,, 602-262-5169
Cathy Douglas,, 928-373-5199
AARP Arizona Selects Yuma Crossing National Heritage Area For a 2022 Community Challenge Grant
The grant will be used to install ADA compliant picnic tables, benches and bike racks
YUMA, Arizona— Today, AARP Arizona announced that Yuma Crossing National Heritage Area has been selected to receive a 2022 AARP Community Challenge grant, one of 6 grantees chosen statewide.
The grant will be used to install ADA compliant picnic tables, benches, and bike racks to create an inviting resting and gathering area at a new nature park frequented by older adults seeking to improve their health and wellness in a natural setting at Yuma East Wetlands.
“We are incredibly proud that AARP selected Yuma Crossing National Heritage Area for this investment in our community,” stated Cathy Douglas, grant manager for the Yuma Crossing. “AARP is a nationwide leader in making communities more livable for all residents. We are honored that AARP see’s the tangible value this project will bring to our area.”
This project is part of the largest group of grantees to date with $3.4 million awarded among 260 organizations nationwide. Grantees will implement quick-action projects that help communities become more livable in the long-term by improving public places; transportation; housing; diversity, equity and inclusion; digital access; and civic engagement, with an emphasis on the needs of adults age 50 and over.
Press Release: Arizona State Preservation Conference 2022
Press Release
For Immediate Release
June 21, 2022
2022 Arizona Historic Preservation Conference
Yuma, AZ – Yuma, Arizona is the host city for the statewide Arizona Historic Preservation Conference on October 19-21, 2022. The conference boasts two full days of programming geared toward professionals in the fields of historic preservation, archaeology, cultural resources management, architecture, and planning, and offers the potential to earn continuing education credits. The two days of general programming are supplemented by a half-day of pre-conference workshops and five tours of the Historic Downtown Yuma area.
YCNHA Assists Cocopah on Riverfront Project
Senate Committee approves legislation key to Yuma Crossing future
Senate Committee approves legislation key to Yuma Crossing future
A U.S. Senate Committee approved legislation that is key to the future of the Yuma Crossing National Heritage Area. It would provide long-term funding, and the executive director of the Yuma Crossing National Heritage Area applauds the action.
The Yuma Crossing NHA encompasses seven square miles along the Colorado River in Yuma and Winterhaven, California. It includes the Yuma Crossing National Historic Landmark, Yuma Territorial Prison and Colorado River state historic parks, Fort Yuma and more than three miles of contiguous riverfront parks, trails and 400 acres of restored wetlands.
The YCNHA mission is “conserve, enhance and interpret the natural and cultural resources of the community through collaboration and partnerships.”